Dhadda Jewellery is backed by the prestigious Dhanraj Dhadda Group, one of the most trusted names in the diamond industry for over 75 years. DDG has been given the honour of several awards for its outstanding performance in the feild of exports by the Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council and prides itself on its extensive base of loyal customers all over the world.
Equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure ad creating unique, intricately handcrafted designer jewellery, Dhadda Jewellery specialises in full bridal sets, necklaces, pendants, earrings, gajra, hathful, and men's studs like cufflinks and kilangi, to name a few.
So come, be a part of our glittering saga as we craft your dreams and add bring them sparkle in life!
Each and Every one of our piece is distinctive and exclusive. We hallmark all our jewellery.
Our designs using coloured natural diamonds and unusual shapes are beautifully unique, and no two pieces are designed to look the same.
Hallmarked Jewellery
100% Certified
Explore a world of trust built ensuring highest quality jewellery with excellent craftsmanship and breathtaking design!
Making a way for you to enjoy